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Professional Teacher Certifications

Elevate your dance teaching career with credentials that make you shine. Certifications set you apart and equip you with a knowledgeable framework for teaching.

image of a man choosing what path to take

Step 1. Choose your certification

Professional certifications for a dance teacher

Choose between a Jr. Associate's, Associate's, Master's, or Grand Master's certification.

Find an examiner

Step 2: Choose who will conduct your exam

Find an examiner

Contact a Dance Vision Examiner to set a date for your professional exams. Our Examiner Directory can connect you with over 70 examiners world-wide. They will travel to your studio or conduct tests virtually.*

*You are responsible to pay examiners for their time and their travel expenses.

Join Dance Vision

Step 3: Pay for membership and exam

Join Dance Vision

Once you've purchased a Premium Membership, you can purchase your exam.

It's time to study

Step 4: Prepare for your exam

It's time to study

There is both a theory and dance portion in the exam. Get ready by reviewing the syllabus videos in our online library and studying syllabus manuals. You can purchase those here.

Consider booking time with a Dance Vision Examiner for tips on how to best prepare. The Dance Vision Examiner that tutors you is not permitted to conduct your examination.

Exam day!

Step 5: Unlock your certification

Exam day!

Take deep breaths and wear something professional and easy to dance in. Remember that our organization and examiner want the best for you in this exciting journey.

Your completed exam will be sent to the DV HQ where it is reviewed and processed. As long as the aforementioned steps are finished, your certificate will arrive quickly in the mail.

In the case you don't pass your exam, you are not required to pay for another 6 months when you try again. Don't feel discouraged - plenty of teachers have required a do-over. If you retake your exam after 6 months from the first one, you will be required to pay again.

Still have a question?

We're just a few graceful steps away - reach out to us with your questions!

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Overview of investment

Like any professional certification, there are costs associated with becoming a certified ballroom dance teacher. Your three main expenses are:

The Premium Membership

$16.58 / Month

Our Premium plan gives you unlimited access to over 5000+ classes and a diverse team of instructors.

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The Exam

$50 - $90

Premium members are eligible to purchase an exam.

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Syllabus Manuals

$49 - $149

Discover enhanced clarity, creativity, and limitless learning.

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The Examiner

To be determined

Dance Vision Examiners have their own rates which can vary based on level of exam and style and travel.

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"Most people don't know how influential dance has been to my happiness and drive for life. I still remember my first lessons and the joy I felt. Which is why I always say; more dance for more people, my goal is that simple."

- Wayne Eng, Founder & CEO

Start your 7-day free trial

Experience the flexibility and convenience of dance lessons at your fingertips.

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Answers to your top questions.

What is Dance Vision, and how does it work?

Discover the joy, wellness, and connection of ballroom dancing with Dance Vision. From world-class instruction to community-focused events, we inspire people of all ages and abilities to move, thrive, and discover their best selves. Join the global dance movement today!

Is Dance Vision suitable for Beginners?

Yes! Dance Vision is designed so that anyone can learn to dance. We teach dancing for those that are brand new to seasoned professionals.

What dance styles does Dance Vision offer?

We cover American Smooth, American Rhythm, International Ballroom, International Latin, Argentine Tango, Swing, Social, Country Western, and Dance Fitness.

How can I contact customer support if I need assistance?

Email us at [email protected] or call us at +1 (888) 841-8465.

Still have a question?

We're just a few graceful steps away - reach out to us with your questions!

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