Student Medal Testing

A framework for learning, measuring progress, and rewarding achievements.

image of a man choosing what path to take

Step 1. Choose your test

Student medal testing

Choose between a Standardized or Specialized medal.

image of check mark, encircled

These medal tests ensure that students learn fundamental figures and techniques in a sequential manner.

image of check mark, encircled

These medal tests offer students an opportunity to design a dance that suits their interests, and develops the creative side of dancing. An example is as a routine or showcase.

Find an examiner

Step 2: Choose who will conduct the tests

Find an examiner

Contact a Dance Vision Examiner to set a date for your students' medal tests. Our Examiner Directory can connect you with over 70 examiners world-wide. They will travel to your studio or conduct tests virtually.*

*You are responsible to pay examiners for their time and their travel expenses.

Planning is important

Step 3: Prepare for test day

Planning is important

As a studio owner, specific steps are required to conduct a medal test day. Download the brochure for more detail on how to prepare students, teachers, and the studio for the big day.

It's a celebration

Step 4: Test day

It's a celebration

On the day of medal tests, students will perform either syllabus figures or a creative routine for the examiner. The examiner will evaluate and provide individualized feedback.

After, all tests forms should be sent to [email protected]. We will invoice you to complete the process and students will receive custom Dance Vision certificates, ribbons, and pins soon after.

Contact us for a studio membership

Interested in unlimited student medal testing at a low cost? Get in touch to learn more.

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